I went to the gym last night and ended up doing 6km of intervals and then 1.7km of running increasingly fast. This was followed by a few weights and the usual Powerplate, but I must say that I ache more than usual today particularly in the thighs. I wonder if it was the speed that did it? I’m planning a 10km tonight so I’ll see how that goes. I experimented with eating a much bigger lunch than usual yesterday and I definitely had more energy particularly during the parts of the interval training when I increase the incline. I still really haven’t got this nutrition thing down yet, I’m sure I should be eating more carbs and making sure that there is enough protein in my diet but it’s just an extra thing to worry about. I’ll see how this weekend’s long run goes on Sunday after carbing up the night before.
I think this is also the weekend where I’ll send out the emails on facebook to ask everyone for money. The marathon is only just over a month away so it’s probably time to start getting people to dig into their pockets. However I didn’t want to ask too early because I thought that people were more likely to give money for an event in the near future rather than one in a few months time. I am really hoping that I can persuade some of them at least to give the price of their usual drink at the pub. Then probably the week before I’ll ask the people at work, that will be odd as I don’t know that many of them that well but definitely worth a try.
Nice !!