I've started this blog to document my training for the Stratford Shakespeare Rotary Marathon on the 8th of May 2011. I'm running to try and raise as much money as I can for the ME Association (http://www.meassociation.org.uk/) and you can contribute on my justgiving page:
I'll write more about ME and why I want to help later on.
I tend to run around the parks near my house, Abington Park and the Racecourse or a combination of the two.
I started training again two day's ago, ran 5km on Tuesday and my lungs felt like they were on fire, ran 10km yesterday and felt much better but still well off pace.
That'll teach me to not train for three months, now I've got to work really hard to get back to where I was. Lucky I love doing it really!
I wonder how hard it's actually going to be to run the 26 miles and 385 yards? I've still got a lot to learn, what food works best whilst running? Do the gels agree with me? How bad will it be when I hit 'The Wall'? Will I get addicted to marathons or never want to do one ever again?
Anyway in just 94 days I should know the answer to all these questions and more!
I'm going to update every day that I train with what I did and how I feel.
Tuesday 01/02/2011 5km 27:17 - lungs hurt, not fun
Wednesday 02/02/2011 10km 54:21 - much better, slight knee pain on fourth lap but otherwise fine. Today a bit of pain in the thighs but nothing too bad.
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