I finally managed to go for a run in the daylight for the first time this year! From home to the Racecourse and then three times around it before running home 11 km in all. It took me 56:51 which isn't brilliant but isn't too bad either and I feel pretty good.
During my run I was abused by two seperate groups of charming teenagers, the first a group of strutting idiots one of whom shouted c*nt in my ear as I ran past them. I shouted back that I dearly wished that I could be as cool as them and carried on running. Then barely 500 meters later I was shouted at by a group of girls, being in rather a witty mood I retaliated by asking if they shouldn't be off catching Chlamydia somewhere. I know, what a Wildean wit I am!
I'm going to give it another go tomorrow morning and see if I can do an extra lap or two depending on how I feel. A spot of carb loading tonight with pasta and four cheese sauce might help! I think however that I'll need to improve the quality of my ripostes though!
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